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Sales & Use Tax
Know your sales tax requirements

A sales tax is a consumption tax charged at the point of purchase for certain goods and services. The tax amount is usually calculated by applying a percentage rate to the taxable price of a sale. A portion of the sale may be exempt from the calculation of tax, because sales tax laws usually contain a list of exemptions. Laws governing the tax may require it to be included in the price (tax-inclusive) or added to the price at the point of sale.

Most sales taxes are collected from the buyer by the seller, who remits the tax to a government agency. Sales taxes are commonly charged on sales of goods, but many sales taxes are also charged on sales of services. Ideally, a sales tax would have a high compliance rate, be difficult to avoid, and be simple to calculate and collect.

Sanjay Taxpro can help you setup the sales tax account, file sales tax forms and remit the sales tax at a very affordable price. We can also handle use tax requirements that apply when you buy tangible assets, materials and supplies that you use in your business. Call for a free quote at 408-GO-25TAX or visit a Sanjay Taxpro in any of our three locations (Santa Clara/Fremont/Milpitas).

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Santa Clara

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* Conditions apply. Check with Tax Preparer for terms and conditions.

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