Indian CPA Firm

Sanjay Muppaneni CPA provides CPA services to both Indian and US clients. Our offices are located in Suunyvale, Fremont, Dublin, San Jose and Milpitas CA but we work with clients from all over US and also from India. If you are looking for an Indian CPA because you feel comfortable working with someone speaking your language you are at the right place. We have staff who can speak various Indian Languages and English fluently. We have clients working with us even after moving to India or who never had come to US. In fact we are the Indian CPA serving several Indian Business Owners.

Most common services customers looking from an Indian CPA are:

  • FBAR Filing (Forign Bank Account Reporting)
  • Indian Bank Account/Income Consultation
  • Consultation For Moving Assets, Money or Income From India.
  • Consultation for setting up a company in United States.
  • Tax Filing and Tax Audit Representation.

We also do phone consultation and skype calls for our international clients. Our office can handle both Business and Individual Tax and Accounting Needs. We can file your state and federal tax returns, process payroll, and provide tax audit services. You can find lots of current tax and accounting information on our website but you can also email us or call us for phone or in-person appointment.

Need help setting up business in United States ?

Our office can help you set up the business in United States. You don’t have to be a US Citizen or Resident to start a business in United States. We can set up a Corporate Structure, Filing proper paper work and taxes and process your payroll.

Sanjay Muppaneni CPA also works closely with CAs from India. Our Indian CPA services include the setting up of business, moving funds and filing the taxes. Sanjay Muppaneni is available for the consultation via phone and email. You can email for more details.

Our Services


Santa Clara

For special promotions and discounts, discuss with your Tax Preparer.

* Conditions apply. Check with Tax Preparer for terms and conditions.

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